The Hidden Foodie Sanctuary called The Girl + The Bull in BF Homes

The Girl and The Bull Restaurant is hidden in the NGMi Bldg in BF Homes
The Girl and The Bull Restaurant is hidden in the NGMi Bldg in BF Homes
Our second stop after Songkran Thai Restaurant, where we had 2 plates of appetizers, was the famous yet hidden The Girl + The Bull restaurant. Since the restaurant only has a small signage with a silhouette picture of a bull and a girl, we found it difficult to spot the place. This necessitated me to call them up and ask for directions. That was when we realized that we were already just a few steps away from the place.

The Girl + The Bull in a secret hideout
Adding more appeal and mystery to the place, The Girl + The Bull is secretively located in a building called NGMi, which isn't as easy as it seems to spot on; however, I hope with the photo above, you'll find it easier to find.

Since my curiosity was really stirred by the resto's lack of prominent signage, I asked one of the staff about it, and she said it was purposely done so to limit the number of people coming into the place. This made sense when I quickly counted the seating capacity here in the restaurant. Apparently, with a very limited floor space, The Girl + The Bull can only accommodate 25 to 30 people at a time. Hence, reservation is highly encouraged to ensure seats.

Small yet Classy Interior of The Girl + The Bull in BF Homes
Small yet Classy Interior of The Girl + The Bull in BF Homes
Artsy and Classy Interior
What I practically adored about this restaurant was the simple yet artsy and classy interior. With this, despite the absence of any dress code policy in the restaurant, you'll feel obligated to dress up (or at least wear a smart casual). Otherwise, you'll feel undressed.

Alright, now that you've caught a glimpse of the place, let's now take a look at the food. Well, uhmmm, unfortunately, we were under budget constraint, so we were only able to order 2 dishes for this particular food stop.

Roasted Pork Belly || P440
Hoisin jus, beetroot, spinach, peanut crumble, coconut cream, coriander oil and spring onion roots
The amazing roasted pork belly with beetroot sauce in The Girl + The Bull
The amazing roasted pork belly with beetroot sauce in The Girl + The Bull
Awesome! That's how I can wrap up my experience consuming this one up!

Aside from being presented in a tantalizing form (which by the way requires serious passion and creativity) , the roasted pork belly offered a burst of united flavors that was delightful to the palate (although the taste tipped of a bit my sensitive saltiness scale).

In addition, the pork was really roasted well marked by the velvety tenderness of the meat.

Note: Do not get scared by the color of the sauce, it was the beetroot's fault.

Famous Buttermilk Fried Chicken || P430
Smoked paprika, balsamic maple syrup, butternut pumpkin and kale. Available only every Friday and Saturday from 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm
The Girl and The Bull's famous Buttermilk Fried Chicken
The Girl and The Bull's famous Buttermilk Fried Chicken
The second dish we had was the famous Buttermilk Fried Chicken which is only available on Fridays and Saturdays only.

I was able to take note a few bullet points regarding the chicken, and I want to share it with you in that manner:
  • The chicken was mildly sweet on its own most likely from the marinate used.
  • The batter was considerably salty due to the barbecue flavoring enveloping the batter.
  • The seemingly mango sauce cushioned the potent taste of the chicken that avoided me of getting too tired of the taste early
  • The chicken (in my opinion) should be shared with others to avoid you of the fast diminishing marginal utility in consuming it.
To summarize all the points, the chicken was good, but I prefer the roasted pork belly

Faux Twix || P160
Shortbread, caramel, bittersweet chocolate, sea salt
Faux Twix dessert by Girl + Bull
Faux Twix dessert by Girl + Bull
The Faux Twix is surely a must-try here in Girl + Bull as it possess something excitingly new. The blend of chocolate as well as the caramel makes this a magnificent drool-worthy treat. The rather blandness of the shortbread fits in perfectly as it lets you focus on the goodness of what's on top. Finally, all those goodness were sealed with a sea salt kiss producing a ticklish brush on the palate.

A Not-So-Popular Kid visits The Girl + The Bull
A Not-So-Popular Kid visits The Girl + The Bull

The Girl + The Bull - Summary

Give your approval or disapproval to The Girl + The Bull

With the experience we had, I must admit that The Girl + The Bull should definitely be part of your list when you visit BF Homes! You will love not only the place but as well as the food. Oh, also, I observed that even though the dishes are priced a bit expensive, they are still relatively priced fairly considering the quality and uniqueness of the dishes. This is a definite must-visit!

The Girl + The Bull
Location: NGMI Bldg, 346 Aguirre Ave B.F. Homes, Parañaque

Contact Number: +63 905 5722556
Service Charge: 10% on price


  1. Very hip looking place! Just for reference, though - does the space have windows? Call me claustrophobic but I never can enjoy a meal in a restaurant without them.

  2. Thanks for dropping by capizena! Unfortunately, the place doesn't have visible windows if I can remember it correctly since it looks somehow like a box. However, there are 2 tables (good for 2) near the glass door entrance, which lets the natural sunlight pass through. :D

  3. Good review, Renz! Try the Faux Twix next time. :)

  4. Thanks Tracie! Oo nga eh, I should have tried that one. Another friend also told me that the Faux Twix is a must-try here in The Girl + The Bull. :D


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